
Research Finds That Life Is Just Plain Better If You Graduate from College — Here’s Why
Research Finds That Life Is Just Plain Better If You Graduate from College — Here’s Why
Research Finds That Life Is Just Plain Better If You Graduate from College — Here’s Why
It is a given that college graduates make more money. In fact, according to a new OECD study the average college graduate in America earns over $20,000 a year more than their counterparts without a degree, making the United States one of the best countries in the world to have completed college. But it turns out there are even more benefits to college.
Bowdoin: Best Cafeteria
Bowdoin: Best Cafeteria
Bowdoin: Best Cafeteria
Maine’s Bowdoin College, in Brunswick, offers the best campus food in the country. That according to a new surevey released by the Princeton Review. According to "...the cafeteria caters to vegetarians and carnivores alike. And students get to take charge by decorating their own cupcakes, designing their own omelets, and squeezing their own glasses of fresh OJ."