After 30 Years Behind The Laundromat, 92 Moose is Finally Moving
If you've been listening to, and winning prizes from, 92 Moose in Augusta, Maine for any length of time than you know exactly where we are located. For years we have been 'in the back alley' behind the laundromat at the Augusta Plaza off of Western Avenue.
Formerly an old grocery store, this location provided the space and accommodations that we needed over the years, but as the building ages, so too do the wheels of progress turn.
The Augusta Plaza, which used to be home to dozens of thriving local businesses, is a shell now of what it once was. With merchants leaving the plaza for more desirable and maintained locations, more and more store fronts have become empty each year.
Now, as much of the building falls into disrepair, it has been decided that the entire plaza will be leveled to the ground to make way for something new. But, where will 92 Moose go now?
We're glad you asked.
We are so happy to share that the Mighty Moose will finally be moving into the heart of Downtown Augusta. Our new digs are currently under construction right next door to the popular Whiskey Kitchen.
Previously The Rock Shop, our new space boasts more than 3,000 square feet and will allow us the opportunity to have our studios right along Water Street with morning views of the passers by.
Lizzy and I are so excited for this upcoming move. We should be in our new building by February and we are also getting brand new studio gear, too! The tech-geek in me is more than excited for the upcoming changes.
Stay tunes, we'll be sure to bring you loads of updates as well as some fun on our Facebook Live broadcasts as well!
2025 Maine Savings Amphitheater Summer Concert Lineup
Gallery Credit: Jordan Verge