Fans Get Free Ice Cream When The New England Patriots Win
Dunkin' Donuts 87 cent coffee may be a thing of the past, but there's still plenty of reason to celebrate.
Announced on their Twitter page the morning after the Patriots defeated the Houston Texans, the restaurant chain announced free ice cream for fans. According to, Friendly's announced that it's bringing back its "Patriots Win -- You Win" promotion at select locations throughout New England. Ice-cream loving fans will get a free medium Sunday the day after a Patriots victory. Obviously, it's later on in the week, but when New England's football team hits the field Sunday against the Jacksonville Jaguars at 4:25, keep an eye on the score.
However, there IS one catch. Customers hoping to take advantage of the special will have to buy an adult entree to get the free ice cream. reported this will last the entire season, and that more than 85 locations are participating in the promotion. However it's limited, and customers are urged to call their local location first.