My youngest daughter, Annie, celebrated her 8th birthday over the weekend.  Thanks to my wife’s expert planning, we were able to have a great birthday party for her at Sparetime Rec in Hallowell.  After the year that we have all had, it was great to see her and her friends having so much fun.

So, how did she go viral?  Did she bowl a perfect game?  Get a toy on her first try with the claw machine?  Recite the Declaration of Independence after inhaling helium?  Nope…

Both of my daughters are huge fans of Harry Potter.  Their mother had started reading the books to them during the pandemic.  It was a great way for them to have some normalcy during the early weeks of the pandemic – ya’ know, when school went from being in-person to being fully remote in the course of one weekend.

As they worked their way through the books, our apartment became more and more dominated by all things Harry Potter…  Blue Rays of the movies, books, toys, even clothing!

One of their favorite things right now are their dolls (action figures?) of the characters.  Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, and Dumbledore.

For her birthday, she got a couple of new Harry Potter dolls.  Her mother took a picture of Annie holding all of her dolls and posted it on a Harry Potter fan page.  After the pic was posted, she put her phone down and walked away.

After a few minutes, her phone started BLOWING UP!  Not really sure what the deal was (actually, I think she thought it was me), she picked up her phone and took a look.

All those notifications were because of that picture.  After just a few minutes, it had over 2,000 reactions, dozens of comments, and hundreds of shares!

She was under the impression that she’d get a few comments and a few reactions.

Realizing she didn’t know who was sharing the pic, she quickly pulled it down from the page.

Has anything you’ve ever done gone viral?  Tell us your story.  Message us through our app or on Facebook.

Ultimate Maine Playground Guide (Part 1 - Augusta, Gardiner, Winthrop, Wiscasset)

If you have a family, there is almost no better way to spend a warm, sunny, day than by hanging out at a local playground. Here's a list of some of the best playgrounds in Central Maine. Find these, and more, playgrounds on Google Maps

Ultimate Maine Playground Guide (Part 3 - Mid-Coast Maine)

Here are some of the more notable playgrounds in the Rockland / Camden / Belfast area. You can find these, and more, through Google Maps

Ultimate Maine Playground Guide (Part 2 - Waterville / Skowhegan Area)

This section of our guide covers the Waterville, Fairfield, Madison, Skowhegan area. You can find these, and more, playgrounds on Google Maps

9 Maine Staycations Your Family Needs To Take

Since it looks like the summer of 2021 is going to be a little different - not quite as different as the summer of 2020, though - we've put together a list of great staycations you can take with your significant other or, in many cases, the entire family. This list was inspired by Only In Your State. Please keep in mind, due to current COVID-19 restrictions, some places may not be completely open. Let us know what your favorite places to visit in Maine are by messaging us through our app or on Facebook.

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