We've all been there. You're driving along in the busy parking lot of your favorite big box store or supermarket, then notice a vacant parking spot. You pull your car into that spot and notice something else: the spot adjoining it is also free.

So you decide it's a lot easier to leave this busy parking lot driving forward instead of in reverse, so you pull through the parking space. The question is, did you just do something illegal here in Maine?

Empty Parking Spaces in a Parking Lot
Anthony Wright/Results Radio

It's Actually NOT Illegal to Pull Through a Parking Spot in Maine

Believe it or not, the answer is no. It's completely legal to pull through parking spaces in Maine. But it might not be for the reason that you're thinking. The reason why pulling through parking spaces in Maine is legal is because there's no law on the books that prohibits it. There's a laundry list of different state laws involving parking and parking lots, but nothing that forbids pulling through individual spaces.

Ethically, You'd Be Wise to Avoid Pulling Through Parking Spots

So while you're not breaking the law, there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't be pulling through a space in a busy parking lot. The obvious reason (and something that you may have experienced yourself) is that by pulling through a spot, you can cause a collision with another vehicle that has no idea you plan on doing that.

Nicole Riley
Nicole Riley

A second key reason is pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians also cannot read your mind, and have zero idea when you've decided that pulling through a space is a matter of convenience. It can end up being more dangerous than simply backing out of the spot.

The 10 Most Dangerous Places To Live in Maine Right Now

Based on statistics and patterns involving violent crime and property crime, here are the most dangerous cities in Maine for 2024

Gallery Credit: Joey

35 Maine Restaurants That are Worth a Long Drive to Get to

Thanks to our great listeners we were able to compile a list of many of Maine's great restaurants, cafes, pubs and bakeries that are worth a long drive to get to.

These great spots can be found across the state and waiting for you to give them a try.

How many have you been to?

Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka