‘Breaking Bad’ Stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul Spotted in Boston Bar
If you know him, you know him, even if you didn't watch two of his biggest, award-winning television series where he played meth-making science teacher Walter White on Breaking Bad and Hal on Malcolm in the Middle. Hello, Bryan Cranston.
Do you recognize him? Talk about snapping a candid in a crowded Boston bar, full beard and all. I don't think I would have recognized him, but I'm not good at recognizing celebs right up front, necessarily. Others, like the guy who took this photograph, clearly did.
According to the OnlyinBos posti, Aaron Paul, who was one of the main characters, Jesse Pinkman, on Breaking Bad, was with Bryan. The pair were in town to promote an alcoholic beverage together called Dos Hombres Mezcal. According to the Dos Hombres Mezcal website, this particular mezcal is the best they've every had, with a myriad of awards listed as well.
We started Dos Hombres to create a Mezcal that we thought was perfect. A unique blend of the finest Espadin agave, hand-selected from the hillsides of a small village in Oaxaca, Mexico.
According to Bevvy, Bryan and Aaron launched this side of their career back in 2019. And although comments asked about where this photo was taken or where they're promoting, no answers were ever given. I went to Bryan's Instagram and he hasn't posted in several weeks. Meanwhile, it looks like his cohort Aaron has an upcoming project that any fan of his will be excited about.