There's no better feeling than doing something nice for someone else.

When you do a good deed, whether that's paying it forward at your local coffee shop, swinging by the food bank to drop off a donation, returning a lost item, or simply complimenting a stranger, the effect does not go unnoticed. The world needs more love and positivity, so why not take the time to brighten someone's day? A random act of kindness is the perfect way to have a small yet meaningful impact in your community, especially if it's performed without any incentives like money or bragging rights.

Thankfully, there are lots of places in Maine where you can donate your time and talents to enriching the lives of others. Plenty of organizations and nonprofits need volunteers to help with day-to-day operations, special events, and other happenings; there's always a need for helping hands.

We decided to ask our readers to name organizations in the Pine Tree State looking for volunteers like you. Countless ones were recommended to us, many of which focus on helping children and families in need, eliminating hunger, and protecting animals and wildlife. There were so many places brought to our attention that we couldn't include them all in the list below, but we hope you'll learn more about these life-changing missions and how you can get involved.

Give Back by Volunteering at These Life-Changing Maine Organizations

Gallery Credit: Megan

Which of these organizations are you most excited to volunteer for? Now, let's head over to New Hampshire and learn about some of the volunteer opportunities there.

Give Back by Volunteering at These Life-Changing New Hampshire Organizations

Gallery Credit: Megan

12 Maine Restaurants That Have Closed Since Being Featured on National Television Shows

Here's a list of 12 Maine restaurants that sadly have closed down since being featured on national television shows. Hopefully the list doesn't continue to get larger.

Data was researched from

Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka

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