Maine Fair Season Officially Begins This Weekend: Here’s Where You Can Enjoy Food, Rides & Pulls!
From Kittery to Houlton and Rumford to the sea, there is no lack of of summertime agricultural fairs in the great state of Maine. And, did you know, that some of the first fairs of the season actually happen in the springtime?
That's right! With the official first day of summer not until this coming Wednesday, that means that this weekend's Springfield fair is actually a springtime fair. Situated out on Route 6, just east of Lincoln, Springfield, Maine offers one of the earliest Maine fair experiences of the season- and it's all underway right now!
Going on now through the weekend, the Springfield fair offers everything from carnival rides from Smokey's Greater Shows, to all the fair food your belly can handle. Toss in the thrilling excitement of the truck pulls and the fun of the Miss Springfield Fair Pageant, and you have your self a recipe for a weekend of fun.
From truck pulls, tractor pulls and everything in between, it's a great weekend to make plans to go 'up the fayah', as Maine's King of Comedy, Bob Marley would say. Sure it might be a little bit of a drive from the Central Maine area, but if you're anything like us, there is no amount of miles that would stand in the way between us and a dough boy!
For more information on this year's Springfield Fair, you can visit their website by clicking here, or check out their Facebook page for all the upcoming weekend events by clicking here!
Have a whole bunch of fun, be safe, and bring us back a candy apple, won't ya?