PETA Offers To Place Memorial Where Lobsters Died In Brunswick Crash
The animal rights organization PETA is offering to place a 5 foot memorial tombstone on Route 1 in Brunswick where a truck carrying live lobsters overturned last week. They have asked the Maine Department of Transportation for permission to put the tombstone there to "honor the lobsters that suffered and died."
According to an article on timesrecord.com. PETA said they will pay for all costs and the memorial would ask people to "try vegan."
PETA already had an advertisement at the Portland Jetport of a lobster holding a sign saying “I’m ME, Not MEAT. See the Individual. Go Vegan.”
Ted Talbot, a Maine DOT spokesman said they have actually received the letter and are considering the move.
The article reports that PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said “Countless sensitive crustaceans experienced an agonizing death when this truck rolled over and their bodies came crashing down onto the highway,” PETA hopes to pay tribute to these individuals who didn’t want to die with a memorial urging people to help prevent future suffering by keeping lobsters and all other animals off their plates.”
If this passes will we soon see this image on lobster bibs in Maine restaurants?
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