Power Service Workers Didn’t Expect This When Stopping for Dinner in Scarborough, Maine
When Hurricane Lee made its way up the east coast and got downgraded to a tropical storm, Maine avoided a worst-case scenario of heavy rain and extremely damaging winds. We did, however, still get some less-damaging winds that caused a lot of power outages across the state.
In southern Maine, Central Maine Power was prepared for power outages and called on the assistance of Holland Power Services in Canada to help them get power restored as quickly as they could.
This is typical of any big storm we get in Maine that could cause power outages. Mainers are very aware of how much work these crews do to get power restored. Not only does it include physically restoring the lines that provide power, but it also means having to clear the trees that have fallen to take down the lines in the first place. As soon as one job is done, they're off to the next until everyone has their power back.
When the Holland Power Services crew stopped at Ken's Place Seafood Restaurant on Pine Point Road in Scarborough to get some dinner, they were noticed by those dining and began cheering and applauding the crew.
A collection was gathered among Ken's customers to pay for the crew's meals, which the crew declined because of a policy with their company that prohibits them from accepting cash offers.
So instead, they donated the cash raised by Ken's customers to fundraisers that the restaurant was holding for the Sgt Major Golf Tournament in honor of the pave-setting military service of USMC Sgt. Maj. Eleanor Judge and The Power of Elle ,honoring the life and memory of Eleanor Clare Paye through a charitable foundation set up in her honor.
This is pure Maine.
Thanks to all the Central Maine Power crews and Holland Power Services crews for your tireless effort to keep the lights on for us. We are so grateful for the work you do.
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