Proof That Cookie Monster and Elmo Are Huge Jerks
Cookie Monster got arrested yesterday for shoving a toddler. Obviously it was a man dressed up as Cookie Monster, and it happened in Times Square, where basically nothing good will ever happen, but still, come on Cookie Monster!
To be honest, Osvaldo Quiroz-Lopez isn't the first guy in a mascot costume to get in trouble for acting like a jerk. Last summer, there was a man named Adam Sandler who would dress up like Elmo and shout obscenities and anti-Semitic remarks at children in Central Park. And of course, there are more. Here are 11 examples of two of Sesame Street's most popular characters being total jerks.
Elmo takes pleasure in the misery of children.
ImgurImgur Sure, he has to make that face because it's a mask, but still.
Cookie monster doing...something shady.
ImgurImgur Is he peeing? Playing hide-and-seek? Contemplating all the mistakes in life that have led him to that moment?
Elmo passed out on the lawn again.
ImgurImgur This is the kind of thing that scars your kid brother for life.
Elmo being pervy.
ImgurImgur Gross, Elmo. Come on! Is she even legal?
Cookie Monster with that Russian spy who was in the news a few years ago.
ImgurImgur Now we know where Cookie Monster's loyalties really lie.
Elmo getting arrested.
ImgurImgur This is Adam Sandler again. (Hahaha, Adam Sandler.)
Elmo getting arrested, AGAIN!
ImgurImgur Look for the new "Tase Me Elmo" in stores now, kids!
Elmo grabbing his crotch.
ImgurImgur They really don't like it when you try to take their picture without paying them.
Cookie Monster in a pedicab.
ImgurImgur Seriously? Who takes a pedicab?
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