
Cat Eludes Dog With Amazing Ninja Move
Cat Eludes Dog With Amazing Ninja Move
Cat Eludes Dog With Amazing Ninja Move
As part of an ancient rivalry firmly lodged in the deepest recesses of their animal brains, a frenzied dog chases a terrified cat around a backyard. But this resourceful kitty has a trick up his furry sleeve -- a secret ninja move.
Meet ‘Grumpy Cat,’ the Web’s Unhappiest Kitty
Meet ‘Grumpy Cat,’ the Web’s Unhappiest Kitty
Meet ‘Grumpy Cat,’ the Web’s Unhappiest Kitty
You guys, Grumpy Cat is definitely real. And she plays. Sort of. When Grumpy Cat "plays" she mostly just scowls at the camera and then hides under things, but still. Grumpy Cat became an internet sensation pretty much as soon as people saw her grumpy face on Reddit. Here's some video and some excellent memes 'Tard' (short for Tartar Sauce) the cat has inspired.
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
25 Hilarious Animal ‘Photobombs’
Photobombs are the (often intoxicated) work of a dude who stealthily weasels his way into your photographs, completely marring what would've been a nice clean picture of you and your boo on your romantic vacation. But it doesn't stop here. This snapshot wrecking ball genius has pets.