If you’re wondering if you should stay in Maine or if the money is greener on the other side, Maine just ranked very high for jobs while stacked up next to the rest of the country.
Using a pretty detailed formula, the numbers have been crunched. Data such as employment rates, average weekly hours, second (and third) jobs, and more were used to come up with the hardest working and laziest cities in the US.
The ongoing challenge of affordable childcare continues. It's a daily struggle that affects families across the country, including here in Maine. With that said, this article may come as a little early Mother's Day gift, bringing a sigh of relief to working moms here in Maine.
It's no surprise that in our community when tough times move in, Central Church steps up.
Like many communities around the world, Central Maine has found itself in the midst of not just a health pandemic, but also an employment pandemic. With thousands of workers being furloughed, forced to take sick time unpaid or even laid off, the struggle has never been more real for some Maine families...