Planning a night of scary movies this Halloween season? Bangor’s most famous resident is responsible for many of them!
Since Halloween is right around the corner, we are 100% invested in all things spooky. It seems like the perfect time to take a deep dive into the collected works of Stephen King, which is no small feat.
Let me start by saying the Renee admittedly doesn't care for horror movies so she really doesn't have one that freaks her out more than the others. I on the other hand love a good horror flick. Frequently though I find myself thinking that they're all a dime a dozen...
Halloween is a great time for spooky movies. Here's my top 10!
10. Rose Red
I remember the first time I saw this television mini series from the mind of Maine's own Stephen King. I didn't realize it was so long (it's over four hours) I just remember being captivated the entire time from the doors of the quintessential creepy mansion opening, to the end where I'm still left spooked...