Ghostly New Hampshire: Explore the Most Haunted Places in NHGhostly New Hampshire: Explore the Most Haunted Places in NHDo these alleged hauntings send shivers down your spine?MeganMegan
Down This Road is One of the Most Frightening Places in MaineDown This Road is One of the Most Frightening Places in MaineA long, winding path in Lebanon, Maine, is filled with some of creepiest and scariest haunts you'll find in the entire stateJoeyJoey
Are You Brave Enough to Visit These 12 Haunted Places in Maine?Are You Brave Enough to Visit These 12 Haunted Places in Maine?Do these alleged hauntings send shivers down your spine?MeganMegan
These Are 16 Creepy Ghost Stories From New Hampshire LocalsThese Are 16 Creepy Ghost Stories From New Hampshire LocalsWho can resist a good ghost story? MeganMegan
We Talked to Ghosts in the Real Conjuring House in New EnglandWe Talked to Ghosts in the Real Conjuring House in New EnglandThis writer toured the real Conjuring House, and experienced all sorts of strange activity. MeganMegan
An Old Doctor's Office-Turned-Maine-Inn is Believed to Be HauntedAn Old Doctor's Office-Turned-Maine-Inn is Believed to Be HauntedAt a luxurious bed and breakfast in Rockland, the ghosts of patients from an old doctor's office still roam the hallways.JoeyJoey
A Ghost Haunts This Bridge in Maine, Hoping to Drink Beer With YouA Ghost Haunts This Bridge in Maine, Hoping to Drink Beer With YouPerhaps the friendliest ghost in Maine haunts a small bridge in Rockport, simply hoping to share a pint of beer with passersby.JoeyJoey