
A Very Classy, Man Who’s Not Even from the U.S.A., Stops Interview to Pay Respect to The Star Spangled Banner [Video]
A Very Classy, Man Who’s Not Even from the U.S.A., Stops Interview to Pay Respect to The Star Spangled Banner [Video]
A Very Classy, Man Who’s Not Even from the U.S.A., Stops Interview to Pay Respect to The Star Spangled Banner [Video]
This is almost two years old but has just recently resurfaced and it's worth a watch. I've gotta tell you, it irks me to no end when I'm at an event and the National Anthem is played or sung and people keep right on talking and many men don't even remove their hats. This is Usain Bolt of Jamaica at a London Event and, during an interview, stops and turns away from the reporter as the Star Spangl

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