Although specific requirements and restrictions vary by state, you will need to get a permit for most campfires in New England. But before you get all cranky, the process is a pretty simple one.
What thing to know about Governor LePage. He does what he says he'll do. He said he'd sign the constitutional carry bill and yesterday, he did just that. In 90 days (the length of time necessary for the law to take effect), a concealed carry permit will no longer be necessary to carry a weapon in Maine. Open carry is already allowed.
This site, I realize, has all different opinions but I'm going to voice mine here and welcome you do do the same by commenting and/or taking the poll.
Maine is discussing the possibility of Constitutional Carry of hand guns which, if passed, means this: Anyone who can legally own a gun in Maine would be allowed to carry it concealed, without a permit to do so.
Wednesday at 1pm in room 436 of the Maine State House, the bill to allow concealed carry of a handgun in Maine, without a permit, will have a public hearing. Senator Katz talked with us about that this morning and gave us a couple of updates as well.
Our weekly Koffee with (Senator Roger) Katz chat focused mostly on a couple of things. The seatbelt law being repealed and the constitutional carry bill (which would allow Mainer's legally allowed to own a gun to carry without a permit). What does the senator think? Find out!
Gov. Paul LePage has signed off on the emergency legislation to temporarily keep confidential the names of Mainers with a permit to carry concealed guns. The lawmakers moved quickly to pass the emergency legislation and the governor signed it right away.