Are there any Wild Maine Animals that You could Keep as a Pet?Are there any Wild Maine Animals that You could Keep as a Pet?Some are just so cute and cuddly, how could it be illegal?Jason StewartJason Stewart
Earth’s Deadliest Animal Will Soon Return to MaineEarth’s Deadliest Animal Will Soon Return to MaineRumors suggest that it is coming back to our Pine Tree State with a vengeance too.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
Maine's Animal Sanctuary Teaches Children Significance of WildlifMaine's Animal Sanctuary Teaches Children Significance of WildlifI have always loved to save animals. Wild animals are vitally important to our ecosystem and one Maine Sanctuary is doing everything they can to teach us how important wildlife is. Lizzy SnyderLizzy Snyder
Maine Rooster Becomes Hero, Saves Farm from Savage PredatorMaine Rooster Becomes Hero, Saves Farm from Savage PredatorA local farm had a threatening visitor that could have caused major destruction, but this one Rooster, Paul, had other plans for this fierce predator. Lizzy SnyderLizzy Snyder
A Raccoon Hitched a Ride on a Trash Truck on I-93 NH A Raccoon Hitched a Ride on a Trash Truck on I-93 NHRecently a raccoon decided to change his/her life and jumped onto a trash truck with the wind in their hair and garbage at their fingertips!Lizzy SnyderLizzy Snyder
Savage! Maine Loon Stabs Bald Eagle Through The HeartSavage! Maine Loon Stabs Bald Eagle Through The HeartResearchers say they have never seen anything like this beforeCooper FoxCooper Fox