The Most Expensive Cities to Book a Room According to Hipmunk
After spending a night in Framingham, Massachusetts and paying $175 for a night in a hotel, I can assure you Boston hotels are way above $297 a night at least for places you'd want to stay. I know this because back in March I tried to book a room in Boston, and the lowest I found in-town was about $400.
I can't speak for the cost of hotel rooms in other cities as I haven't been looking. I know these are average prices in the cities, but I would love to pay the average. What do you think of the list. No Maine city, town or village made the list as most expensive, nor did any make the list of cheapest places to stay, but would love to know your thoughts.
Here are the graphs showing the most expensive cities to stay, least expensive and cities that fluctuate pricing the most.
The source: Hipmunk, a travel site.