Vaughan Field Playground is Open for Kiddos (This is not the woods)
I was at the Hallowell Dog Park yesterday and the caution tape is gone and the play ground is open. The playground is at Vaughan Field. Vaughan Field IS NOT VAUGHAN WOODS (aka Hobbit Land). According to the Vaughan Woods Facebook page I checked on June 19th, 2020 they are still closed. The woods are very popular so they are going with caution.
But back to Vaughan Field...the play ground is open, the picnic area is ready, the large green space is waiting for you to fly a kite, the walking path is just under a quarter of a mile (according to my phone) so four or five times around giving you a nice little walk.
Years ago where the dog park and play ground area are located there was a school and the big field was the space behind the school where many children had played over the years. I lived just down the street back then and after school things were sure hopping in that neighborhood.
So if you are looking for a place to take the kids for a picnic, have a playground and big field to just be a kid and have some fun Vaughan Field is worth a visit.
Vaughan Field in Hallowell
Now back to Vaughan Woods....this was there latest post in regards to still being closed. Respect their wishes please.
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