
Snuggle a Baby Goat April 6th in Richmond, Maine
Snuggle a Baby Goat April 6th in Richmond, Maine
Snuggle a Baby Goat April 6th in Richmond, Maine
At this point, it doesn't really matter if you already had plans for the weekend of April 6th, because you need to cancel them. You read the headline correctly! It's an open farm and kid snuggle happening at Rock Bottom Farm!
Awesome Photography on a Shoestring Budget Using Household Items [Video]
Awesome Photography on a Shoestring Budget Using Household Items [Video]
Awesome Photography on a Shoestring Budget Using Household Items [Video]
Got some nylons....a mirror....a beer cozy? Then you can do amazing photography with a camera or your cell phone! When it comes to taking pictures, you don't have to spend like a pro to photograph like one. Just be creative and try new things! With digital photos, you've nothing to lose. It's not like you're wasting film!! Here are some tried and true ideas...
How it Has Changed: Picture Taking Past + Present
How it Has Changed: Picture Taking Past + Present
How it Has Changed: Picture Taking Past + Present
Yesterday I went through old photos, not albums as much as just random pictures that were loose in shoe boxes and tucked in envelopes with the negatives from getting them developed. I was looking for certain pictures that I knew I had but couldn’t find. It occurred to me how our lives have changed so much in how we do our picture taking over the past 20 years.