Bar Harbor’s German Treasure Ship
Considering it is thousands of miles from the battles in Europe, you probably didn't think that Bar Harbor, Maine, had anything to do with World War I. Wrong! And, one of the greatest stories of Bar Harbor's involvement in the war features a German cruise ship, rich passengers, and millions of dollars in treasure!
According to the Bangor Daily News, the German passenger liner SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie (named after Prussian Crown Princess Cecilie) was on its way from new York to Bremen Germany when World War I broke out in July of 2014. She carried hundreds of wealthy passengers from all over the world (including the United States and Britain) and, in her cargo hold, over $10 million in gold and silver.
Fearing they would be boarded by British or French cruisers who knew about the treasure she was carrying, Cecilie's captain turned back to the United States, seeking refuge in Bar Harbor.
One of the main reasons for choosing Bar Harbor was a prominent passenger with ties to the tourist town. The family of New York banker C. Ledyard Blair, who had been on his way to Scotland to shoot grouse, owned a "cottage" near Bar Harbor. An experienced yachtsman, Blair piloted the liner into port.
Not a surprise, the vessel became a tourist attraction for the 3 months that it was in port with people making trips to Bar Harbor solely to see the "German Treasure Ship". Also, the ship's band gave several public concerts over the course of the summer.
In November, the vessel was sailed to Boston, When the United States entered the way in 1917, it was used to transport U.S. troops to Europe.