Boston Beer Co. and Pepsi Co join Forces to Launch an Alcoholic Mountain Dew
Just when you thought you’d seen everything with Alcohol…
Just when you thought you’d seen everything made into an alcoholic beverage, along comes Mountain Dew with Alcohol according to patch.com/Massachusetts. Sam Adam’s Boston Beer Company is teaming up with PepsiCo to bring you Hard Mountain Dew. The first flavors to be released are Original, Black Cherry, and Watermelon.
Personally, I’m not a Mountain Dew Fan
I’m a diet Pepsi guy. The color of Mountain Dew, that fluorescent green color has always been sort of off-putting to me. Like a fear that if I drink it, I will start to glow. I have not seen it requested as a mixer at many bars, but I suppose it must be popular with some because the release of the new Hard Mountain Dew will be hitting the shelves in early 2022.
I’m a beer guy
I know these hard ciders are popular, but I am a serious beer guy. If I’m going to have an actual drink my friends make fun of me because I like fruity drinks, like a Pina Colada. The new Hard Mountain Dew will be manufactured by Boston Beer Co and will be sold, distributed, and merchandised by PepsiCo according to patch.com/Massachusetts. It if brings more jobs to the area I will buy a few to keep on hand for parties. The best part is the new Hard Mountain Dew will be sugar-free, so if you are watching your sugar intake or counting calories, this might be the drink for you.
on the topic of drinks...
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