In Feb 2020, The CDC Warned COVID-19 Could Disrupt Life In Maine
Over the weekend, I stumbled across this article I wrote nearly two years ago. Originally, published on February 26th, 2020, it talks about how there was speculation that life in the United States could really disrupted by the COVID-19 virus.
As we near the two year mark of the pandemic in America, it feels really strange to think about what life was like in the last few weeks prior to the mid-March lockdown. Most of us were gleefully ignorant of the misery that was on the horizon. We went to work & school, we shopped, we went to restaurants, we went to concerts, and went to sporting events.
Then, over the weekend of March 14th & March 15th, a change swept over New England. Schools and businesses were ordered closed for "two weeks to flatten the curve". Additionally, restaurants went take-out only and non-essential public facing businesses closed. Following those two weeks, we were forced to embrace "the new normal".
While the following article is filled with facts (where the virus was, where the positive cases in the United States were) and hypotheticals, the article means something different to me. It serves as a reminder that you should live life to the fullest because you never know when things are going to change... drastically!
Original story follows...
According to ABC, the Centers For Disease Control is warning Americans that we should be prepared for the virus' spread to communities in the United States. Additionally, they say that we should be prepared for a "significant disruption" to our lives.
Until now, officials had hoped to prevent it from spreading in the United States, but following the recent outbreaks in countries like Italy and Iran, it does not appear that every case will be stopped at the border.
While several people across New England have been tested for the virus, it is important to note that there have been NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Maine or New Hampshire. There has, however, been at least one confirmed case in Massachusetts.
CDC officials suggest channeling concerns into preparing for the virus. They say people should step up their preventive measures like hand washing and staying at home when they are sick. Additionally, they suggest businesses and local governments prepare for potential outbreaks. This could include implementing tele-schooling and delaying elective surgeries.
In addition to health concerns, it is important to note that certain products grown or manufactured outside the United States may be in short supply or impossible to get.
Fortunately, while 57 people in the US have tested positive for COVID-19 (43 that came back into the country on planes or cruise ships, and 14 that tested positive in the US), there have been no reports of spread within communities.
According to the Maine DHHS website, while there have been cases of person-to-person contraction of COVID-19, the virus is not currently spreading within communities in the United States.
Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include fever and/or cough and difficulty breathing. Sore throat is also reported in some patients. However, if you have not traveled to China or come into contact with people known to have contracted the virus, it is likely you have the flu.
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