Do Your Neighbors Deliver Home-Cooked Meals to You? Well Ours Do!
My only regret with this whole thing is that I didn't take a picture of the amazing brownies before we ate them...all.
Neighbors can be a tricky thing. I mean think about it, these are people that you have to live in close proximity to for a very long time. And, most of the time, you don't get a chance to pre-evaluate them before you move to a new place. You just kind of have to 'meet them as you go'.
Well, my wife and I (and our kids) moved to Windsor about three years ago and live on a fairly quiet back country road. While the houses aren't super-close together, we live on a portion of said road that was a recent sub-division project. So, needless to say, while we're not jammed in like sardines, our neighbors are still just a brisk walk away.
We've been so fortunate over the last few years to not only have great neighbors, but to be on a first name basis with all of them, too. We always stop and chat when we see others outside or at the mailbox, and I even plow most of their driveways during the many months of Maine's winter.
Anyway, you're here for the casserole, I know. When we recently returned home from our stay at the hospital following the birth of Dawson, there were a couple people who reached out and asked if they could make us a meal. One of those people just so happened to be our neighbor. And my goodness did she deliver (literally).
The other evening at about 6 o'clock our doorbell rang. First of all, that in itself is pretty sweet because I didn't even know our doorbell worked. Upon opening the door, there was our neighbor standing there with the most beautiful platter of food! She prepared a homemade chicken soup style casserole and several delectable homemade brownies. This was just a few days ago and already the casserole is just about gone. The brownies you ask? They didn't make it through the first night, obviously.
At some point, I may name her, though without asking I didn't want to include her name. BUT, if you're reading this, thank you SO much for what you did for us. In a world where people are such shut-ins buried in their electronics never stepping out to interact with the people that live closest to them, we are beyond blessed to have thoughtful, caring neighbors like you!

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