Down East Magazine Needs Your Votes for the Best of Maine 2020
Finally, something to vote on that (probably) won't give you the sweats.
Down East Magazine is looking for the best of the best for the state of Maine. They cover pretty much everything from best breakfast to best lobster, to best schools and best golf courses.
They seem to have representation from all over the state too which is great to see. Even in categories you're not totally familiar with you'll likely to find a business in a town you love.
Personally, some of my all-time favorites were on there. I gotta say, putting Otto and Cushnoc against each other for the best pizza did make me a bit sweaty! That's like choosing your favorite child! Who did I end up picking? That'll be my little secret.
I was also stoked to see my old high school, Lincoln Academy on the list. Way to represent! And among some other really wonderful schools too.
Want your voice heard? At the very least this is a nice distraction to more positive things in our world. You can take the survey here.

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