Hallowell Police Officer Taken to Hospital After Being Rear-Ended by Teen Driver
A Sargent with the Hallowell Police Department was taken to the hospital after sustaining injuries in a crash over the weekend.
According to The Kennebec Journal Hallowell Police Sgt, Christopher Giles, was rear-ended on Water Street on Sunday evening at around 8pm. Giles was struck from behind by a 16-year-old boy from Gardiner who officials say was operating too fast for the road conditions.
The KJ reports that Hallowell Sgt. Christopher Giles was about to turn into the Public Works parking lot, located Water Street just after 8pm. It was then that his police vehicle was struck in the back by a Jeep Cherokee.
GIles was taken to the hospital for injuries sustained during the crash and was later released. The 16-year-old driver of the other vehicle, and his two other passengers, were not injured in the crash.
Police say the cruiser that was rear-ended during the crash sustained serious damage and has, at least temporarily, been taken out of service. This will leave the Hallowell Police Department with only two cruisers for the time being.
The KJ is reporting that in "addition to the Hallowell Fire Department, two officers and a rescue unit from Augusta also responded. Giles said the officers were helpful in directing traffic around the crash."