Happy National Drive-In Theater Day!  They are probably one of the best ways to watch a new movie.  They're usually very affordably priced, you don't have to worry about the kids being noisy, you can bring your own food and drinks, and some don't have a problem with people tailgating (as long as you don't turn into a drunk jerk)!

According to History.com, the first drive-in theater opened in Camden, NJ in on June 6th, 1933.  The screen was 40 feet by 50 feet and there were 400 car slots.  Their slogan?  “The whole family is welcome, regardless of how noisy the children are.”  The first movie shown at the drive-in was "Wife Beware" and the cost was 25 cents per car and 25 cents per person, with no car paying more than $1.00.

In the 1950s, there were 4,000 drive-ins in the United States.  From the 1980s and beyond things like cable TV, VCRs / DVDs, and Netflix caused a decline in drive-ins.  Fortunately,  it looks like they may be making a comeback.  In some areas, there are new drive-ins opening.  And a drive-in in Bangor recently re-opened after being closed for 30 years.

It may require a little bit of a drive, but a visit to one of these is worth the trip:

-Skowhegan Drive In - Opened in 1954, it is located just off Waterville Road.  Keep in mind they only accept cash.

-Bangor Drive-In - After being closed for 30 years, it re-opened in 2015.  One of the cool things the Bangor Drive-In does is offer party packages (for birthdays, clubs, and events).  Find them on Hammond Street in Hermon.

-Bridgton Twin Drive-In - Originally opened with one screen in 1957, they added a second screen in 2000.  It is located 2 miles outside Bridgton on Rt 302.

-Saco Drive-In - Opening in 1939, it is the oldest drive-in in Maine and is located on Portland Road in Saco.  Because of where it is, you can make a day of it.  Spend the day at the amusement parks, have some dinner, and then head to the movies!

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