How Are Maine’s COVID Numbers Since Mandates Were Dropped?
It has been a few weeks since most of the mask mandates and physical distancing requirements were lifted in Maine.
So, how has the state of Maine done with COVID numbers since the mandates were dropped? Good question.
I have been very interested in the answer to this. After all, a fair amount of Mainers are vaccinated, but there is really no way to tell vaccinated Mainers from unvaccinated Mainers, and we just have to trust in each other. Maine is seeing more visitors; we can gather in larger groups outside and inside.
How has the state done with its COVID numbers?
Darn good! Our numbers are getting back to where they were before the surge in November of 2020. Our overall vaccination rates are the third highest in the nation, behind Vermont and Massachusetts, and Maine's COVID death rate is one of the lowest in the country based on per-capita numbers., the state of Maine, is still looking at options to make the COVID vaccine available to Mainers who want the vaccine but have some obstacles.
Vaccinations are slowing as Maine has a relatively high percentage of residents who are vaccinated.
Nationally, vaccinations are slowing, and the people who really wanted to get the vaccine did so. As I mentioned above, the vaccination rates in Maine are in the '60s; by comparison, some of the southern states have vaccination rates are in the low '30s.
Maine had a fair number of out-of-state visitors last year, considering we were in the middle of a global pandemic, and our numbers were still low. I am expecting this summer will be very busy for all parts of the state. Go…enjoy…and keep washing your hands!