Maine High School Has A 43 Year Old Twinkie
It was once said that the only things left after an all-out nuclear war would be roaches and Twinkies. So far, we don't (and hopefully never will) know if that's true. But, we do know that Twinkies will last at least four decades.
According to News Center Maine, George Stevens Academy in Blue Hill has a Twinkie that has been around since 1976.
The whole thing started as an experiment done by science teacher Roger Bennatti. He was teaching his students about preservatives when one of them asked him how long a twinkie would last. So, he decided to find out.
More gray than yellow these days, the tasty treat is still around the school.
Admit it, you're curious about what it tastes like! It's okay, but I probably would not act on your curiosity.