When it comes to cell phones, we all rely on them heavily these days. From communicating to navigating and hours of social entertainment, our phones have become an extension of our bodies. That's why, when we're in a situation with little to no service, it can be anxiety inducing.

As you may imagine, there are several different factors that can lead to less than ideal cell phone coverage. If you're far from the nearest cell tower, your device may struggle to maintain a strong connection. Signals weaken over long distances.

For example, buildings, hills, mountains, and dense wooded areas can block or weaken cellular signals. Concrete, metal and glass in city areas are also particularly challenging. Additionally, in crowded areas or during peak usage times (e.g., events, emergencies), too many users may overload the local cell tower, reducing service quality.

Extreme New England weather, such as heavy rain, snow, or fog, can interfere with signal transmission, causing temporary service issues. Maintenance, repairs, or outages at the cell tower can interrupt service, too.

Plus, phone signals can be disrupted by other electronic devices, dense wireless networks, or certain types of building materials, like aluminum siding. And, because there are so many remote areas in New England, not all carriers have coverage in every area. Some providers may prioritize urban regions over rural ones.

Not having service when you want/need it the most can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you're trying to post an IG story from a dope tourist spot. But, which spots are the worst for phone service?

According to an article from Holafly, they've broken down the popular tourist destination in each state that has the worst service.

MAINE: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year, though they may have to wait to post their photos to Facebook as this spot is the worst tourist spot in the state for phone service, Holafly says.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Flume Gorge is a stunning natural gorge located in Franconia Notch State Park in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It is a popular tourist destination known for its awesome scenery and outdoor adventure opportunities. But, according to Holafly send those texts before you arrive.

MASSACHUSETTS: The Norman Rockwell Museum is located in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in the heart of the Berkshires. It celebrates the life and work of Norman Rockwell, one of America’s most beloved illustrators, and houses the largest collection of his original works, however, the phone service is nil, Holafly reported.

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Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder

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