While the cost of eggs continues to increase, there are a few ways to make that carton last longer in your fridge. Some may even keep past the "sell by" date.
'Locally Laid Egg Company' from Wrenshall, MN. is in the running for a free Super Bowl commercial. One if it's owners, Lucie Amundsen (Lucie Belanger back in her high school days) grew up in Winslow, ME. Lucie joined us on the Moose Morning Show to talk about a chance to have their commercial air during the Super Bowl!
Even if you've never seen the Paul Newman classic 'Cool Hand Luke,' you're probably aware of its famous scene in which Newman's title character wins a bet by downing 50 hard boiled eggs in one sitting. We're not sure how much they know about 'Cool Hand Luke' in Tunisia, but a man there named Dhaou Fatnassi tried to replicate Newman's feat. Needless to say, it didn't end well.