Please Enjoy This Compilation of Dad Fails!Please Enjoy This Compilation of Dad Fails!I'm pretty sure that dads and non-dads alike can relate to some of these clips. I know I can, especially the ones involving pain! Matt JamesMatt James
How Not to Grill Food — 8 Hilarious Barbecue FailsHow Not to Grill Food — 8 Hilarious Barbecue FailsGrilling season brings with it delicious meats, but also the occasional disaster.Kathy LandinKathy Landin
Have Any Funny Unplanned Wedding Moments You Want to Share?Have Any Funny Unplanned Wedding Moments You Want to Share?Today is our 14th wedding anniversary and instead of retelling the story of Lynn and I, I’m going to ask if there were any funny moments at your wedding that didn’t go as planned that you want to share.Townsquare Media -92 MooseTownsquare Media -92 Moose