How Did Gavin Rip His Handlebars Off & Split His Lip?How Did Gavin Rip His Handlebars Off & Split His Lip?I feel like if this were an Instagram post I definitely would have used the hashtag #boydad. Matt JamesMatt James
Family + Friends Weekend Away @ NH Indoor Water ParkFamily + Friends Weekend Away @ NH Indoor Water ParkWe had an absolute blast- all of us! Yes, 16 people total, 8 kids and 8 adults.Matt JamesMatt James
Babies Get Into Everything!Babies Get Into Everything!You can probably tell by the picture that it wasn't me who put the toy fire truck in the dirty mop water. Nope, not me. It was a little mischievous 14-month old boy. The kid absolutely loves this water!Matt JamesMatt James
Gavin Started Walking on Valentine's Day!Gavin Started Walking on Valentine's Day!You read that correctly. Our just-turned-one-year-old decided to give us the gift of chasing him everywhere for Valentine's Day.Matt JamesMatt James