Saturday will be jam packed with events celebrating Maine's paper and logging history in Livermore Falls. The day will conclude at Murray Hall with a comedy show featuring Father Guido of Chisholmore Falls. He's old, confused and p----d off...
Earlier today I was at the grocery store and the bagger asked me if I wanted "paper or plastic”. A once common question, now usually unless you specify that you want paper you’ll get plastic. I replied by saying "plastic" and then groceries went into three or four of those plastic bags.
Don't expect to see Brad Pitt anywhere on the small screen these days, between the scope of 'World War Z' and his latest 'Killing Them Softly.' The last time we can recall Pitt's star being dim enough for TV was an appearance on 'Friends,' but his name (at least) may soon come to HBO. New reports claim that Pitt's production company has begun development on a new HBO debt collector drama 'Paper,'
This drives people who are really into recycling absolutely nuts. I'm not going to mention names here but you know who you are. And you know I am right about that.