These Are Some of The TV Commercials Maine Uses to Lure Tourists These Are Some of The TV Commercials Maine Uses to Lure Tourists We've put together a few of our "favorite" Maine tourism TV commercials. You can watch them here.Matt JamesMatt James
The 10 Most Entertaining Maine TV Commercials Ever MadeThe 10 Most Entertaining Maine TV Commercials Ever MadeI took a deep dive into YouTube and found 10 TV commercials where Maine businesses got their money's worth.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Whatever Happened to Big Al of Big Al’s in Wiscasset, Maine?Whatever Happened to Big Al of Big Al’s in Wiscasset, Maine?You don't see him on TV as much anymore, so what happened to Big Al?Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
New Hampshire's Major Connection to a Legendary TV Series FinaleNew Hampshire's Major Connection to a Legendary TV Series FinaleAs a New Hampshire native and diehard fan, I was floored by this show's final scene.Jon RinemanJon Rineman
Remember These Hilarious Ads for Dunkin Donuts in New England?Remember These Hilarious Ads for Dunkin Donuts in New England?Long before Ben and J-Lo, Fred the Baker was up early every day to make the donuts at Dunkin.Jon RinemanJon Rineman
No Matter How Hard We Try, New Englanders Cannot Forget These 15 JinglesNo Matter How Hard We Try, New Englanders Cannot Forget These 15 JinglesYou know all the words and you randomly sing them out loud. Commercials in New England that are forever in your head. ChantelChantel
Burger King Introduces 'Social Distancing Whopper'Burger King Introduces 'Social Distancing Whopper'If that doesn't due the trick, wash it down with their new tuna-garlic milkshake! I'm totally kidding- there is no tuna-garlic milkshakeMatt JamesMatt James