Not even old enough to have a 'regular' driver's license, 15-year-old Garrison Leeman, a freshman at Erskine Academy, has a special license that allows him to drive for work and to and from school.
It's pretty safe to say that he's youngest contracted plow truck driver in the state of Maine...
We had a great time talking with Jamie Ribisi-Braley this morning chatting about the Gene and Lucille Letourneau Ice Fishing Derby, benefiting Meals on Wheels. The derby is Sunday at the Muskie Center on Gold Street in Waterville. Listen, laugh and learn!
"Keep the Wheels Rollin'," is what the show's called. We're talking about the wheels that deliver meals to shut-ins all over central Maine. These are people who look forward to, not just the meal, but also, the company. Honestly, with government cutbacks, too many are on a waiting list.