I was watching 'Parenthood' last night and in one of the story lines Amber tells her Mom that she's pregnant. The announcement was actually last week, but the reaction and the fallout was last night. What was your parents' reaction when you said, "I'm pregnant?"

It got me thinking and wondering about that time years ago when Lynn and I told our parents about having our first baby.

I was nervous, not so much to tell my mother but for how Lynn's mother would take it. She took it very well. It was a huge sigh of relief. We weren't married so there was so cause for awkwardness or concern but both her Mom and my Mom took it well. I think it probably took my Mom a little while to wrap her head around being a grandmother but she was truly happy for us within a few weeks.

The other two announcements were obviously less jaw dropping as they've heard it before, and were just excited for the both of us.

If want to share your story about telling your folks, I'd love to hear it. Or if you're the parent and your son or daughter told you, how did you react and if you could re-react would you?

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