Today is 'Do Nothing Day' How is that possible? Even if you’re passing the time in bed watching TV, you’re doing something? We’re you able to do nothing or as close to nothing as possible?

Here is what I did on “Do Nothing Day.” Dylan got me up to drive him to school at 7 am. Started a pot of coffee, took out the trash and recycling and then took Dylan to school. When I returned from dropping him off at Edward Little, I poured a cup of coffee and started watching Wednesday's ‘American Idol’ with Lynn.

While that was going on, I called up to Justin so he could get ready for school. He eventually came down and got a bite to eat then he and I hopped in the car and I took him to Park Avenue Elementary. He forgot his saxophone, so I went back home, got it and went back to Justin’s school and brought it to the office. I'm not chasing after him taking it to his class. I'm teaching responsibility here.

Returned home and Lynn and I continued watching ‘American Idol’. A couple of coffees later and a diaper change the show was over and then took a shower and paid bills on-line while Lynn made lunch. After we ate, I cleaned up the table and started the dishwasher.

By then it was about noon, so I got my things ready and jumped in the car and drove to Augusta for work.

While here, I did production which is shop-talk for recording commercials and or uploading them. Discussed digital posts with Mike or Digital manager played radio star while I wrote a few posts for the website.

Working for a little while longer, then I’m heading home. At home, I’ll probably grab a bite then settle in and watch TV or hop on-line and go through the Facebook feed.

I’ll watch the news at 11 pm, then maybe hit the DVR and catch up on the shows I missed.

That was my 'Do Nothing Day’

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