Each year, millions of people visit Maine for a variety of reasons.  For some, you'd never know they didn't grow up here.  For others, it's a little more obvious they're not from the 207.

This list of the 10 ways you can spot someone not from here was largely compiled by comments our listeners have made to us through text and social media.

1 - They refer to the I-95 as the "freeway".  Apparently, this is a California thing.  Believe me, if you travel South of Augusta, our highways are not free!  

2 - The mispronounce town names...  Especially Bangor, Skowhegan, and Topsham  

3 - They seem confused they have cellphone reception (and 4G data) here

4 - Calling soda "pop"

5 - Having a vocab that is completely devoid of the word "wicked"

6 - They have no idea what fluff or a fluffer-nutter is

7 - Not understanding just how important Dunkin' is to us

8 - Asking where they can find a lobster

9 - They seem confused about red hot dogs.  Yes, we have them, and yes, they are better.

10 - They ask where they can see a moose OR how long it takes for a deer to grow into a moose


What do you think of the list?  What would you add?  Message us on Facebook

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