A Trip Down Memory Lane on Sunday in China as Vintage Snowmobiles Come to Town
I love looking at old snowmobiles. I've traveled to Millinocket to visit the museum before. That's a long ride to see old sleds. Thankfully, it's just a hop, skip and a jump to China to see them tomorrow (Sunday). For me, it's barely a hop!
The first annual "Top of the Lake Vintage Snowmobile Show," happens from 10 to 3 at the China Middle School, right on Lakeview Drive (Route 202). It'll be a great opportunity to come reminisce about those noisy, smelly machines of old or just bring the kids to show them the "antiques" we rode back in the day.
Here's the post on the show's Facebook page:
Admission is Free! This is a part of China's "Family Winter Weekend"; lots of activities for all ages, more info to come.
People's Choice trophies for multiple classes, food and warm drinks, $25 gas card for "Farthest Traveled Entrant", free t-shirts for all entrants who pre-register their snowmobile(s), custom t-shirts available at the show by Rau's Designs, and much more!
Sponsorships and Donations welcome! Sponsors (over $100) will be named on t-shirts, facebook page, and show day posters.
To pre-register your snowmobile entries: krau@fairpoint.net
FMI: (before 7pm) Tory Rau (207) 701-7494
It's sponsored by Tory's Vintage Sleds!
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