City Of Belfast Feeling Pushback on Smoking Ban
Many people in Belfast are critical of the new regulations the city is trying to implement with many calling it overreach. The proposed amendments would prohibit unleashed dogs, dog waste, alcohol, marijuana and unauthorized camping on city property, as well as the disposal of household and construction waste outside of the Belfast Transfer Station and put a ban on smoking on sidewalks and in city-owned parks, according to WGME. Fines ranging from $50 to $250 for repeat offenders would be issued to people caught breaking these ordinances.
But many people are pushing back against these, they think it's going to affect visitors.
I, for one, think i'd be happier going to a place that it's illegal to smoke in parks. What a concept. Mayor Samantha Paradis is highly in favor of the ban, and she has every reason to be, mostly because smoking is disgusting.
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