Gallup-Healthways Has Put Out Their List Of The Happiest States – Where Does Maine Fall On The List?
A new Gallup-Healthways poll has determined the happiest states.
From Live Science, the Gallup-Healthways poll gave each state a "well being" rating from 0 to 100 that was based on respondent's answers to questions about their sense of purpose, social relationships, financial lives, community involvement and physical health.
At the top of the list, once again, was Hawaii with a rating of 65.2. Alaska came in second place with 64. South Dakota (REALLY?) came in 3rd place with 63.7
In New England, Maine came in 4th place with 63.6. Vermont was in 6th place with 63.5. Massachusetts came in 14th place with 63 and New Hampshire was in 22nd place with a rating of 62.6
But, after last night, I think the ratings for every New England state will climb into the top 10. Just sayin'!
Check out the entire lists here