Get Your Rap Name the Same Way Post Malone Did
Do you know how Post Malone got his name? We do, and you can have a rap name just as cool!
Post Malone was on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and asked him how he got his rap name. His answer was 'an online rap name generator'. GET OUT! Do you mean to tell me one of the most successful artists in the world got his name from an online rap generator?
Sure this is stupid. But hey, it's the holidays and I don't know about you, but I could use a little stupid fun. Of course, I had to find out what my rap name is.
L Lori Style
Okay, that's boring AF. Just to spice things up a bit, I put in my full real name of Lori-Ann (I'll deny that's my real name in a court of law)
Luscious Loriann Ve a.k.a. Sweet Kiss
Oh wow! That is WAYYYYY better! Gee. Maybe I should go by my real name (never, ever, ever). Just for the heck of it, I put Post Malone's name into the rap name generator to see what his new rap name would be 4 years after his appearance on The Tonight Show.
Post Em Malice
I guess I really needed to distract myself because I started plugging in all sorts of names. What would President Joe Biden's rap name be? JB Slice. Okay, not bad. Should we? Yes, what would former president Donald Trump's rap name be? Do Nald. That's priceless.
What's YOUR rap name?
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