Governor Mills Signs Mask Enforcement Mandate
According to the Portland Press Herald, Governor Janet Mills has signed the mandate which requires many businesses dealing directly with the public to enforce the usage of masks.
The mandate, announced in a press conference last week, requires large retail stores, restaurants, tasting rooms, hotels, and other businesses dealing with the public to enforce the wearing of masks. Affected counties include Cumberland, York, Hancock, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln and Sagadahoc. In addition, Maine's larger cities also fall under the mandate. For now, these include Augusta, Bangor, Brewer, Lewiston, and Auburn.
One of the reasons for the mandate was the reopening of Maine to out-of-state visitors. As visitors from New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut can visit the state without quarantining or presenting a negative COVID-19 test, there has been an increase in the amount of traffic to Maine's coastal counties. This is why many of Maine's coastal counties appear on this list.
According to Maine CDC director Dr. Nirav Shah:
“Wearing a face covering in public places where physical distancing is difficult shows respect for others and reduces the risk that the virus could spread as more people move about Maine”
No matter where you live, when you visit stores and restaurants please be courteous and kind to the staff of those businesses. They did not make the rules. They are just trying to follow the laws.