As I reflect on the past year, I look forward to a new year. As such, I wanted to share my feelings as we say goodbye to another year. I know you'll be able to relate to some of what I have to say. Below the video is a transcript. Thank you for listening and being a good friend, always.

As we say goodbye to 2015 and welcome 2016, as eternal optimists here in America, he hold high hopes for the new year. Know this going in...there will be bumps along the way but hardships interspersed with the good gives us perspective. Gives us reason to keep a good attitude because, we realize that, if we just keep pushing forward, a better day will come.


As the new year comes, I pray. I pray for those who are sick...those who don't have work...those who are hungry and homeless. Those who have lost loved ones. I pray for the family of the young couple who was senslessly killed in Manchester over Christmas and for the family of the young woman who lost her life in a tragic fall in Winslow. I pray for the family of the woman who lost her life in a terrible accident in Waterville while as she was helping put smiles on the faces of those less fortunate people at the Elks lodge. I also pray for the man who caused the accident. He suffers alone in his misery following the tragedy. And I pray for everyone who is suffering. Losing someone you love is the hardest thing you'll ever endure. But, believe it or not, a better day is coming.


As the new year comes, I wish. I wish for the safety of all of us as the threat of terrorism remains present. I wish for the safety of Muslims in our country, most all of whom are good, hard working people trying to make a better life for themselves and families. Those legally in America do and should have the same rights as you and me. To target them with harsh words or violence simply for peacefully worshipping as they please is NOT the American way.


I wish for some compromise among our leaders ....Democrats, Republicans and Independents. The "my way or the highway" mentality is neither productive nor admirable. And it gets us nowhere, allowing those who already hate us to make inroads while too many of our politicians, those charged with doing the peoples will, forget about us while they fight a fight aimed at keeping themselves in power. America will not survive a large, too powerful, corrupt government.


I wish those in power would listen to the people. Don't try to change or redefine our Constitution. The words are sacred. The rights are ours. They are inalienable...meaning they cannot be given or taken away.


As the new year comes I give thanks. I give thanks for my own children. I am thankful for their growth and successes over the past year. I am so very proud of them both. I give thanks for a wife who loves me and stands with me through life's hardships. Her big heart, wisdom, common sense, intelligence and generosity are a bright light in the world and a gift to my family and me. I am thankful that I still have my dad. I know he misses mom as do we all, but he's always there, in a good mood and happy in knowing he and mom will be together again someday.


I am thankful for the men and women of our military who have offered it all, up to and including their lives, to keep our republic safe and free. We can't thank you enough.


I am thankful for our police, firefighters, emts and emts...they put it all on the line every single day to keep their communities healthy and safe. There is a reason they chose the profession they did and your friends and neighbors are thankful for your service.


Finally, I want to say thank you for making us your choice now and anytime you're out there listing to us on the radio. We never set out to upset anyone with what we say, although I know we do. We do because, even though our goal is to be as mass appeal as we can, we are still human beings with opinions and feelings. Personally, I am not afraid to share my, sometimes unpopular views, with listeners. Some have chosen not to listen anymore when I've said something they don't agree with. I can deal with that. What I couldn't deal with is being forbidden from saying what's on my mind. I am blessed to live in a country and work at a radio station that is supportive of me and the rest of us. 92 Moose has always been the very best radio station I've ever worked for....both current and past management and of course, some of my favorite people are you who listen. That's why I've stayed more than 25 years.


There are big, hopefully good plans for me in store for 2016 and it is my hope is that you have big plans for the new year as well. And I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.


Thank you for indulging me for a few minutes...thank you for listening, always...God bless you and happy new year.


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