Keurig is Sending Me Their New K2500 Commercial Coffee Maker!
So I'll be the first to admit that this story gets cooler and cooler. It all started a couple of days ago when our Keurig Coffee Maker that we have had here at the studio for several years decided to call it quits. To the Keurig's defense, it had brewed literally thousands of cups of coffee. That's what you have to understand about a radio station, the amount of coffee that we consume on a daily basis is just insane. As a matter of fact, we should be the official product tester for all coffee-related products. I think I'm on to something here!
Actually, that's kind of what's happening right now. You remember yesterday I told you that our company went out and purchased us a brand new Keurig K1500? Yeah, well this things is super-sweet. It even has a button to help maker your cup of coffee 'strong' if that's how you prefer it. Well, the story doesn't end here.
Yesterday afternoon while I was hanging out at home with the kids, I got an email from someone that I didn't recognize. After a little investigating I learned that the guy who emailed me was one of the brand leaders for the Keurig company. How cool?! He was emailing me to let me know that the folks at Keurig had seen my articles about the Keurig saga that was developing here at 92 Moose. And, they enjoyed my story so much they wanted to hook us up with a FREE Keurig!
So, needless to say, there is a brand new Keurig K2500 on it's way to 92 Moose right now. This is so incredibly exciting AND will allow us to put the K1500 that the station just bought upstairs in the sales department. Now we'll have coffee stations on both floors of the building. Why didn't we do this before?
At any rate, I can't wait to show you how freakin' sick this new coffee maker is when it comes in. Thank you Keurig for hooking us up with this new toy... Well be sure to use it dozens of times every day!
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