Maine Woman Injured After Being Picked Up And Thrown by Enraged Cow
We cover our fair share of Maine news, and sometimes that news gets a little weird. Kind of like this next story.
Now we should start by saying that the woman looks to be okay, she just needed a few stitches following the incident; thank God, because it could have been much worse.
According to the Farmington Police Department, a Maine woman, who was out for a jog on Friday, March 31, was charged by a cow. The cow, which was on the loose at the time of the incident, began to charge the woman as she jogged by.
Unable to escape the cow's charge, the woman was struck by the cow's horns and lifted up into the air, police said.
After coming down from the initial attack, according to police, the jogger was able to get away into some trees to avoid further injury from the belligerent bovine.
The unnamed owner of the cow eventually made it out to the scene and was able to wrangle the cow, as well as an escaped pig, that were both on the loose at the time, according to Farmington police.
As we stated earlier, the woman escaped with only minor injuries that required a couple of stitches at a nearby hospital. However, it could have been much worse as humans have been gored and killed in the past from the horns on cows. She is very lucky.
As for the owner of the wayward animals, well the Farmington Police Department has indicated that charges are possible against the owner, though as of Tuesday morning, we're not aware of any that have been formally filed.
This is a developing story and we will continue to keep it updated as more information becomes available to us.