A Midsummer Night’s Dream Masquerade Ball: Calumet Club, June 22
Join the Augusta Downtown Alliance us for the social event of the season, as they host their annual, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream Masquerade Ball,' Friday (June 22) at the Calumet Club, Augusta.
It is semi-formal attire, and a mask is required. The event is to benefit the The Colonial Theatre and downtown public art.
The night of fun includes:
- A Live Auction of Local Celebrities
- An Original Choreographed Performance by Rocky for Equality
- Music by Chris Lothridge
- A Silent Auction
- A Customized Menu of Heavy Hors D'oeuvres
- A Specialty Cocktail
- Photography by Dave Dostie
Tickets are $25/person; $40/couple. A Midsummer Night's Dream Masquerade Ball is sponsored by Oakes & Parkhurst Glass - O&P Glass, and MaineGeneral Health.
Michael Hall, Director of the Augusta Downtown Alliance joined us on the Moose Morning Show to talk about this fun evening.
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