**UPDATE** NH’s Canobie Lake Park Plans for 2020
**UPDATE #2** This is from June 17th. Canobie Lake Park in New Hampshire is planning to open July 16, 2020! Yes...there will be come changes so make sure you check with their website or social media to make sure you are all set. Now there is summer for you.
**UPDATE #1** New Hampshire's stay at home order expired June 15, 2020. As of 6am June 16 there was no update to Canobie Lake Park's website on any possible opening. A recent change makes it so visitors from New Hampshire and Vermont do not need to self quarantine if they visit Maine. July first visitors to Maine from other than those states will need to self quarantine or have a negative COVID test two days before arriving in the Pine Tree State.
Original Story:
Could Screamfest be quiet this season? Not sure yet.
Unlike a lot of Maine parks and events, Canobie Lake Park has NOT announced they will be closed for the year. They have NOT announced an opening date. They are taking a wait and see approach at the moment. What Canobie Lake Park has said is their 2020 tickets that have been sold will be good for a comparable date in either 2020 or 2021. They are working with the State of New Hampshire and the CDC to make the decision that is safe for all involved. As I was reading the post on Canobie Lake Park website I guess if you are a season ticket holder your 2020 your ticket will be good in 2020, if they can open, and will also be good for 2021. You do not even need to do anything to make this happen they are making all the adjustments in their computer systems to it will know that about your tickets.
Now my question as a Mainer is, we currently have this 14-day quarantine order for out of staters who come into Maine. As Mainers IF we leave the state, do we need to quarantine for the two weeks upon our return home? It appears at the time I am writing this (June 5, 2020) that would be a yes. But I know alternatives are being considered. But this is one big reason I have not any plans to visit family in Florida or Pennsylvania. If my one week to go visit my mother then turns into a three "adventure" for me and having to work at home for two weeks that is something that is do-able but needs some pre-planning.
So for now...staycation Maine it is for this girl.

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